Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Cafeteria activism?

In the real world, I strongly prefer to focus on activism on issues, rather than parties, but I increasingly wonder: do I have that luxury of "independence" and "ideological purity" when most of what I oppose comes out of one party?  Not just most, but a vast preponderence.  Isn't my preference for not wanting to identify as a Democrat just a pretence?  The people who will dismiss my opinions as "Just another Democrat" or "Just another liberal" do so already when I'm a less-well-defined conglomeration of liberal, independent, moderate, conservative and anarchist.

So, all that means I really should join up.

But no.  I'm also opposed to to what has evolved in our country to a two megalithic party system.  Even our currently active third party, the Tea Party, isn't really independent.  It's kind of a diabolical, half-formed conjoined twin feeding off its much older sibling, the Republican Party, kind of like a horror movie I saw once.

So, no, let me keep my independence and form alliances to deal with issues that interest, concern, and/or scare the shit out of me.

For now, I'll continue to pretend to hold out hope for a day when our political landscape has more than two poles, and more sanity.

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