Sunday, July 31, 2011

Traffic PSA: Turning Wide

There are 3 valid reasons for turning wide (swerving left before turning right and vice versa)

  1. Your other vehicle is a semi, and you sometimes forget that you're not driving it at the moment;
  2. You're making a hairpin turn;
  3. You're an idiot.

Friday, July 29, 2011

What if the largest countries had the biggest populations?

(click on image to expand)


Manchmal steht einer auf beim Abendbrot, Rilke

At times, a man will rise up from his dinner table
and step outside, and walk and walk and walk
because of a church standing somewhere in the east.

And his children say blessings over him as though he had died.

And another, who will die inside his home,
stays always within, stays with his table and his glasses
so that his children are drawn out into the world,
pulled toward that same church, which he forgot.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

today's album: The Complete In a Silent Way Sessions, Miles Davis

As if the original release in 1969 weren't gift enough, in 2001, Columbia released a three volume set, which included the original album and the studio sessions that went into the making of the original.

Easily one of my favorite box sets, the style and structure far less controversial than they were in 1969.

It's the voice I most like (amongst several) of Miles' - subtle, inventive, and ironic - if notes alone can be ironic.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh no - another one of those writer's blogs ...

... full of eloquent expressions of hope that this is the path toward getting one's words in front of an appreciative readership.

Things run great for 4-6 weeks, thoughts flow freely, the muse (cute one, red hair ... what do you mean she's never visited you?) whispers seductively in your ear, and then things get busy at work or you go on vacation or you just can't think of anything that day.  You can't even scare up a good, entertaining quote.  You take a day or two off.  Three weeks later, you burst back on to the page, fired up about fresh energies, new perspectives, better grasp of your story's path - and things are great for two days, then it's six weeks between postings ...

And then, you eventually decide to make a fresh start.  New site, new blog, an intriguing new style you want to try, or plot you want to hatch.

Wait - I think I've just talked myself out of this blog, suffocating my hope with my own sardonic sense of creative enlightenment (a.k.a being too much of a smart ass for my own good).

Ok, now I have to make good on this so I don't make myself look foolish for knowing what's coming and STILL rolling over for it.

Anyway - so maybe people will eventually stumble across this blog, find something that they find interesting, enlightening, or entertaining.  If not, I'll at least give the voices someplace to prattle on in, aside from the inside of my head.  (Don't worry - no voices.  None that have been diagnosed, anyway.)  Maybe this will just be my latest therapeutic venue. 

Words are coming.  Someday, maybe even readers!