Thursday, December 4, 2014

Carlos the Bastard

(composed upon finding a personal letter displayed in a newspaper rack)

Heart writ small
On lined paper

Carlos shared news from Priscilla

with the street

The weekly tabloid rack's

display frame,
not to be refilled
'til two days hence

Could announce to all who stopped to read

That things were ok

That she went to Austin for a day with her aunt Maria

about two weeks ago.

That her cousin had her baby

and she and the father
had decided to call the child

That the weather was so nice last Sunday

that she and Anita
had gone down to the riverwalk
And she showed Anita
that little shop
where you bought her
the doll she keeps
on her dresser.

That her little brother Ernest left for the Marines on Thursday week

That its been raining on and off for three days

and the grass has been growing faster
but her dad’s knee is acting up again
so she’ll probably stop by after work
and mow it for him.

That she misses you and is enclosing the picture she promised and is wondering how you are because its been weeks since she's heard from you and maybe you've lost her address so she's putting it at the bottom of the letter and maybe she should close now instead of going on and on

even though ...

you used to say
you enjoyed it.

So instead of last week's tabloid headlines

Curious passers-by
get to view
her heart
and your bare-knuckle calluses.

Until some kind stranger

sees the bits of soul
flaking off
and disposes of the
heart-scrawled pages.

that you left in the newspaper rack.

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