Monday, June 15, 2015

Breast augmentation - "You won't recognize yourself!" - Not the way they do it, you won't.

Here are some very crudely and minimally edited before and after images from one specific patient to illustrate.

The first: with the breasts covered by the grey bars, it's already extremely obvious that the intent is to start with an uncomplimentary before picture.  I think it's very hard to tell it's the same woman. The only real clues they're the same are the moles on her stomach.

(The final image has a link to the YouTube video this was taken from.

In the second, the post-op breasts have been (very) crudely superimposed, matching up shoulder line and scapula. I only adjusted for distance from camera, not differences in skin tone, etc.

In the original before-after below, you see the full effect of the implants ... and the lighting ... and the makeup ... and the hair ... and the glasses ... and the slight change in posture, etc.

Sure, it can be argued that the significantly larger implants "gave her the confidence" to do other things more flattering for her appearance.  But that's some pretty hefty bucks for a cosmetic makeover that still doesn't include all the other changes. 

It's fair to ask "What does it matter to you? You're just another guy who has to have an opinion about everything."  Yeah, there is that. I do love having opinions and telling people about them. At the same time, I'm very fine with people making their own decisions. Washington is already too busy minding women's businesses and bodies for them.

I was just astonished by the overt and, I think, egregious differences between the before and after.  Pure marketing, but then, I've always had a bone up my ass about marketing, which is probably my biggest motivator here.  I've got no business telling women what they should and shouldn't do with their bodies. I still get a little annoyed sometimes, however, at the $13 billion/year cosmetic surgery industry that markets better lives through changes in surface appearances alone.

Anyway, my soapbox is tired of me standing on it - and I'm getting hungry, so that's all.

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