Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Where can these "anti-Christian" laws the far right wrings its hands over be coming from?

In 2015, though the percentages of Christians in Congress has been falling, 92% of that body is still decidedly Christian.  An even higher percentage, 96%, fall under the Judeo-Christian umbrella.

The Supreme Court is 6:3 Catholic:Jewish. That means it's 66% Christian and 100% Judeo-Christian. And no, I don't want to hear any horseshit about Catholics not being Christians or Jews being Christ-killers.

The President is Christian. Yes, yes, he is.  I know some of you hate to hear that because you'd rather not run the risk of sitting next to him in the pew PLUS it's easier to cast viscous, bilious blobs of hate his way if he's "not one of us" in at least a couple of ways.  All 666 - I mean 44 - of our Presidents have, essentially, been Christian, even the ones who wouldn't necessarily identify themselves as Trinitarian Christians.

Where then, do these "anti-Christian" laws and legal interpretations and imperial edicts come from?  Is 4% of the Congress, those rascally Buddhists, et al, somehow controlling the rest?  Jedi mind tricks wagging a big Jedi dog?  Very large incriminating pictures of the full Congress doing naughty things behind the shrubs surrounding the Capitol building? How do they do it?

Let's be realistic: our elected officials are too busy being manipulated by corporations with deep pockets to also be manipulated by religio-subversives who have much, much shallower pockets, obviously.  Being a corporate CEO pays WAY better than being a CSO (Chief Satanic Officer) I have to assume. That's where the money, corruption, and idol worship are going to come from.  The Israelites pissed God and Moses off by worshiping golden calf statues, not tofu pornographic statues.  (Now there's a nasty image - tofu gives me the creeps.)

At the end of the day, what it adds up to is that none of these other Christians are "Christian" enough for the fundamentalist, ultra-religious right wingers that are so much more vocal than real, Christ-like Christians.  Where does this anti-Christianity come from then?  Perhaps from "an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato." (Sorry, Dickens, I had to.)

More likely, it comes from the pungently fertile, swamplike un-Christian imaginations of the accusers and not the accused.

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