Sunday, August 14, 2011

Men and the Finger

Not the middle finger.  The index finger - specifically in relation to the ring finger.

A recent study by Korean researchers (South, of course, the only thing the North studies is how to be even crazier) suggests a link between penis size and the size ratio between the index and ring finger on a man’s right hand.  Several previous studies have shown that the relative lengths of those fingers are influenced by prenatal exposure to testosterone and estrogen, and the Korean researchers reasoned that penis length might also be influenced by the two hormones.  (Sure makes sense to me, but then, I‘m not a scientist.  I only play one in my imagination.)

So – among 144 subjects, two teams (one focusing on the fingers, the other on the penii), a significant correlation was found.  The lower the differential between the two fingers, the more the penis is likely to be of more than average length.

Additional “significant data” on relative finger length:
•    In women, the two fingers are generally the same length;
•    In men, the index finger is generally shorter;
•    Lesbians tend to have a finger ratio more similar to men than to straight women;
•    Gay and straight men show little differentiation, unless they have several older brothers, in which case not only was the ratio likely to be smaller, but the men were more likely to be gay;
•    Men who have lower ratios have more symmetrical faces, and thereby generally viewed as more attractive;
•    Men whose index fingers are longer than their ring fingers have been found to be about a third less likely to develop prostate cancer.  [Considering how the prostate is tested, there has to be a good joke about finger length and prostates in there somewhere.  Clearly, I haven't had enough caffeine this morning to catch it.]

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